Last Name
First Name
Hiram C.
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 8-24-1922 p4
Hiram C. Bane, one of Ripleys oldest and most highly respected citizens passed to the higher life at his home in West Ripley, Sunday, July 16th. Mr. Bane had been in poor health for several years and for the last few months of his life was a great sufferer. He bore his pain and suffering bravely, and was most faithfully and lovingly cared for by his sons and daughter and sons wives, all of whom were able to be with him in his last hours. Mr. Bane was born and for the most part of his life has lived o the farm where he died. His son, H.L. Bane, lived at home and took care of his father and mother. In 1868, May 31st, Mr. Bane was united in marriage to Miss Myra Harmond of Lewiston. They came to Ripley, where they have ever since resided. Five children were born to them, all of whom are now living, Mrs. Lizzie Felker of Ripley, Jeptha of Dexter, Charlie of Mexico, Ernest and Hiram of Ripley. Fourteen grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive him. Mrs. Bane passed away January 3, 1919,during the rage of influenza. Mr. Bane was the last of a family of nine children, is age being 77 the 26th of last March. On the evening of their 50th wedding anniversary, May 31st 1918, Mr. and Mrs. Bane entertained a large company of their friends at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Felker.It was also the 25th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Felker wedding. Their children were all present and the event was one long to be remembered by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Bane were people who made hosts of friends, always of a cordial and hospitable nature. None left their home hungry, cold or in need of help in any way when it was within their power to assist. The funeral of Mr. Bane was held at his late home at 10 oclock July 18. A large company of friends gathered to show their respect for one whom they loved. There was a profusion of beautiful flowers from relatives and friends. Interment was in the family lot at West Ripley. The four sons acted as bearers, the same as at their mothers funeral. Mr. Bane was a man highly respected by his neighbors and townspeople and will be greatly missed by all.