Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
The Eeatern Gazette 1-27-1921 p6
Mrs. Mary Jewett passed away January 20th at the age of 87 years and 6 months. She had been quite feeble for some time, but in fair health until recently, when she was very ill with a severe cold from the effects of which she was unable to rally. She was very active and a valued member of the Ripley grange. She leaves a sister, Mrs. Abbie Marsh of Auburn, two daughter, Mrs. Mary Nutter and Mrs. Myra Parker, and tow sons, John and Gilman, with whom she lived, besides several grandchildren. Services were held at the home Saturday forenoon, Rev. F. Ernes Smith officiating. Among those from out of town were Mrs. Carrie Lang Frost of Lewiston, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Jewett of Foxcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jewett an son Ray and Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Waldron of Dexter. She leaves a host of friends who will greatly miss her.