Last Name
First Name
Charles T.
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Ripley, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-1-1908 p1
Died in Ripley, Sept. 22, 1908. Charles T. Neal aged 69 years, 8 months and 20 days. Mr. Neal was born in this town and with the exception of a brief part of his young days spent in Massachusetts and two years in the service of his country, has been a lifelong resident of this town. He was an honest, upright citizen love and respected by all. Those who knew him best appreciated him most. He was the son of Thomas and Mary (Dunlap)Neal, one of a family of six children, Only two survive him, a sister, Mrs. L.J. Smith, of Stafford Springs, Conn., and one brother, George E. Neal of Somerville, Mass. He leaves besides a widow, one son, Fred G. Neal, of Ripley, and nephews, Ralph C. Hill of Dexter and Raymond A. Hill of Ripley, whose home has been since the death of their parents fifteen years ago. From him they have ever received the love and care of a father. It could be said, he was a father to the fatherless. H married in 1866,, Mary E. McCurdy of China, ME. To them was born two sons, Melvin C. who died at the age of 27 years, leaving them with one son, Fred G. Neal, who is now the comfort and support of his mother in her great sorrow, but she mourns not alone, for Mr. Neal was a man widely known and greatly respected and he bereaved family have he sympathy of all, His funeral was held at the Methodist church where he was a constant attendant, Friday afternoon. Rev. J.A. Corey assisted by Rev. H. D. Knowles spoke comforting words to the bereaved ones, The George Goodwin Post of St. Albans, of which he was a honored member, attended in a body. The interment was in the family lot at the cemetery below home where he has lived with his wife 42years and it can be truthfully said, a good man has gone.