Last Name
First Name
Melvin J.
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dover, ME
Date of Death
Dexter Gazette May-18-1887 p4
About two weeks ago Melvin J. Chandler, of Ripley, twenty three years old, and half brother of Mr. T. A. Chandler, of Dexter, went to Dover, N. H. to work in Pinkhams brickyard on Dover point. Wednesday, a telegram was received that he had been killed by a cave in of earth in the pit where he was working. Mr. T. A. Chandler started yesterday for Dover, and is expected to return with the body today. The young man has been in Dexter considerably and was well known here. The funeral will occur at his fathers, in Ripley, tomorrow.