Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
Dexter Gazette 1891-12-31 p1
Died, Dec 31st, James Farrar, aged 75 years.Deceased has resided in Ripley 45 years, coming here from Lawrence, Mass, where for a number of years he was overseer of the yard in old Bay State, now Washington Mills. He was married in that place to Octavia Hanscome 50 years ago, they having celebrated their golden wedding August15, 1891. He has been a member of the Methodist church for many years and lived a consistent Christian life, and will be greatly missed both in the church and neighborhood. Truly a good man has fallen. He leaves a widow, one son, W.H.Farrar and two grand-children, several children having died in childhood. The family have the sympathy of all in their aflliction.