Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-3-1916, p. 1
Jacob Wing passed away January 29 aged 71 years, after a long and painful illness. He had been failing in health for several years, but has been in critical condition for a long time. He had resided in Aroostook county for a number of years, but several years ago, came back to his home neighborhood, finally locating on the home farm with his brother and sister. Besides two daughters in Aroostook county, he leaves a son, Harold who lived with him, four brothers, William and Orin of Aroostook county; Elden and George of St. Albans, and three sisters, Mrs. Ann Woodcock of Ripley; Mrs. Walter Wilkins and Miss Eva Wing of St. Albans. Jacob Wing, who has been sick for a long time with dropsy passed to a higher life Sunday morning, January 30, at his home on Rand Hill in St. Albans. ... He was one of 12 children of the late Allan and Sarah Frost Wing, and lived at his death on the farm that his grandfather, William Wing, who came from Wayne and settled about 86 years ago...