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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Bangor, ME
Date of Death
The Dexter Historical Society Scrap book
MRS. WILLIAM C. FARNHAM Funeral services for Mrs. Flora Farnham, 59, of Dexter, widow of William C. Farnham, were conducted Wedaesday af’ternGon at the Crosby Funeral Home. he died Monday at a Bangor hospital, after being a patient there for a week. The Rev. Harold Wheeler of the Free Baptist Church ociated and interment was I’ Mt.. Pleasant cemetery. Members of Shirley B. Carter Post, VFW, acting as bearers were: Fred Sprague, Hadley Hopkins, Joseph and Levi Hanson. Mrs. Farnham was born in Dexter, daughter rEdgar and E4mma J. Russ. She was a member of the auxiliary to the local post of the Veterans of oreign Wars.