Last Name
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Place of Birth
Milan, N.H.
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Dexter historical Society Scrapbook
LOUIS J PERRAULT DEXTEROct. 31—LouiS J. Perrault, 62, died suddenly MOnday morning. He was born at Milan, N. H February 7, 1893, the son of Louis and Eulalie Couture Perrault. Mr. Perrault had been a resident of Dexter for 30 years. He was a veteran of World Wax I and a member of Poufliot Seavey Post, American Legion. He was also a member of St. Anne’s Catholic Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Marybelle Bizier; a brother, Alma J. Perraulti of Skowhegan: a sisters Mrs. Joseph Burke of Medford, Mass.; nieces and nephews. A funeral mass was celebrated Wednesday morning aA. St. Anne’s Catholic Church for Louis J. Perrault, 62 who died suiddenliy Monday morning while hunting. The Rev. Josaha.t eviiy omciated and Interment was in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. PoulliotSeavey Post No. 53 and its Auxiliary attended In a grrnap. Veterans serving at the military service were Commander Clarence Beverly, Clzaiylain Ad- thur Covel; and bearers: Dana Luce, Paul, V. Dyer, Thoinijas Amlbrose, Anohie Burrill and ]lverett Bennett; color buare’s an d guard: Robert CinqMars, Reynold Thompson, Millard Otto and Solomon Chevery; firing squad: Carl ‘Cuthbert, Josaplh Deag, Sr., Westley Richards and George Willard. Perrault, accon1panied by a next door neighbor, Mrs. Phyllis [[Slorrill, was hunting MondaY morning on the Spurgeon Nelson farm on the Dover road. They had gone by car to the Olsboro road where they parked the ye-. hide and walked into t h e swamp. Perrault saw a yeai1ing buick and fired, killing it; then he ‘inminediately collapsed accord1kg to Mrs. tMorrill. Stewart Morse of East Andover, N. Ii, a guest of the Robert Fortiers, ‘wfho was hunting in that vicinity, heard the shot and came upon the scene. He accoimpa•nied Mrs. Merrill In town to notify the ollce; Medical Dxaminer Dr. H. Lewis Tayaer, who said that death was presumably caused by a heart ailment; and Deputy Sheriff C. F. D. Marsh. Chief of Police IHar. old Knox and Officer John hton brought the body out from the woods a distance cf some two miles. Born at Milan, N. H., Feb. 7, 1893, the son of Louis and Eulaile Couture Perrault, Perrault had made his home in Dexter for 30 years. A veteran of World War I, he was a member of PouUiot-Seavey Post No. 5L A. L., and t. Anne’s Catholic Church. Besidss his w1e, MaryeUe (Bizier) Perrault, he is survived by a. brother, Aime J. Porrault of Skowhegan; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Burke of Medlord, Mass., nieees and nephews.