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The Dexter Historical Society Scrapbook
William E. Brewster, 87, one of Dexter’s oldest and most highly respected citizens, died Friday evening at the Plummer Memorial hospital, after only a few days’ illness. Keen and alert to the last, he kept well informed in all civic, state and national, affairs in which he was intensely interested. In public cffice he had served, with honor and distinction, as representative, for three terms, to the ‘Maine Legislature, froth the Dexter-Garland district; member of the Dexter school board; the town finance committee; as officer of the Dexter Savings Bank and of the First National Bank, of Dexter. He was also a Funeral services were held at the First Universalist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, -followed by committal service at the family lot at. Mt. Pleasant cemetery, the Rev. Gordon C. Reardon officiating. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives, who had gathered to pay their final ribute of eteem to one beloved by all privileged to know him. Beautiful flowers in profusion banked the altar and front of the church. Active bearers were Harold Getchell and Millard Otto of the Dexter Club, Arthur Brown and Clarence Pierce of the Odd Fellows, Rufus Tillson and OmarCarr of the Masons. Honorary member of the executive board ‘of the Plummer Memorial hospital. In 1941 he was elected president of the Maine Three Quarter Century Club, and in that capacity was making extensive plans toward entertaining the group in Dexter next summer. Retiring fr’om active business life several years ago, Mr. Brewster completed more than fifty years in the grocery business, the greater part of tbat time being locafed on the Main street, where he was well known by assocites and patrons as a gentleman of integrity and genial personality, admired and respected by all. His affiliations were with Plymouth lodge, I. 0. 0. F., and enobscat lodge, F. and A. M. He was also a1 member of the Dexter Club Mr. ‘Brewster was born in ‘Parkman, Maine, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abiatha Brewster. In 1884 he was united in mar-’ riage to Miss Carrie. Bridges of Dexter, who died. Surviving relatives are two sons,’ Charles S. Brewster, ehairman of the board of selectmen, Dexter, and Senator R. Owen Brewster of Dexter and Washington; one granddaughter, ‘Miss Margaret Brewster of ‘Dexter; four grandsons, William Brewster of Bath, Lieut. 1g) Wendell ‘Brewster in the h.i1ippines, Gerald Brewster of Dexter and Capt. Charles F. Brewster f Washington; four great - granddaughters, Patricia Ann Brewster, Joan Brewster, Nancy Brewster and &tsey Ann ‘Brewster. bearers were B. L. Call, H. M. Gates, H. E. Hale, C. H. Wyman, Joseph Kanally. E. H. Chase, Adrian Robinson and Norman F. Plouff, representing P. S. Plouff. The immediate family group of mourners included Senator Owen Brewster, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Charles S. Brewster, Miss Margaret ‘Brewster, Capt. Charles Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. William Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brewster, Mrs and Mrs. Edward Teschner, ‘Mrs ‘Margaret Upton, Paul Carver, Clifton M. Foss, Robert M. Foss and Mrs. D. V. McGraw. Emil P. Stred, president of th’e Maine State Grocers’ Association, and Mrs. Fred of Skowhegan were also among those from out of town in attendance at ‘the funeral rites. Among telegrams of sympathy received by the family was one ‘from President Truman, who had twice been entertaned at the Brewster home, which read: White House, Washington Hon. Owen ‘Brewster, USS. Dexter, Maine. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your venerable father. Although he had attained a great age and ‘had lived a full life, I know his passing will create a void that cannot be filled. He was a shrewd observer of life and events; and I always enjoyed my visits with him. Please receive this assurance of my deepest sympathy, in which Mrs. Truman joins. TIrrv . Harry S. Truman