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Place of Death
Date of Death
FORMER DEXTER MINISTER KILLED Word has been received in Dexter of the death of the Rev. Henry S. Weston, 43, former pastor of the Free Baptist church in this town. Mr. Weston died from a fractured skull after being thrown from his 'bi¬cycle when he was hit by an automobile driven by Mrs. Blanche A. Fowle of Wiscasset, who was rushing her brother, Chester Dorr to the Bath Memorial hospital to be treated for severe burns. Mrs. Fowle had just passed a car and swung back on the right side of the road when she came upon the Rev. Mr. Weston pedaling his bicycle on the left side of Route One, according to Deputy Loring D. Small. The right I front fender and corner of the mud guard struck the bicycle 'and the crumpled wreckage caught on the sedan and was dragged along the side I of the highway until Mrs. Fowle could bring the sedan to a stop. It was stated that the victim's body was thrown from -his bicycle over the sedan and struck in the center of the highway. Mr. Weston was born in Birmingham, England June 6, 1898, and has lived in Woolwich for the past five years. Surviving are his wife and one son, Paul, of Woolwich, also his parents, one brother, Sidney, and one sister, Mrs. Sidney MacMullen all of Providence, R. I.