Last Name
First Name
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Nick Name
Place of Birth
Wellington, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 12-17-1953, pp.1&4
Hold Services For George F. Huff Funeral services for George F. Huff for many years. publisher of The Eastern Gazette, were held Tuesday afternoon at the home on Highland avenue. The Rev. Stanley Gates Spear of Beverly, Mass., (retired) minister of the Dexter First Universalist Church for many years, officiated. Members of Plymouth Lodge No. 65, IOOF, and its branches who acted as bearers were: Ronald Johnson, Galen Wentworth, James Curran, Linwood Seavey, George Slater and Basil Clark. The Odd Fellows conducted the commital service at Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Mr. Huff died Sunday forenoon at the age of 81 at the Plummer Memorial Hospital in Dexter. He had some weeks previously undergone two operations at the Eastern Maine General Hospital in Bangor; and although his progress had been painful and slow, he appeared to be headed toward recovery when he suffered a relapse. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Folsom Huff; and several Among relatives and friends from out-of-town were: R. Lee Killman, Miss Margaret Killman, Herbert Nickerson, S. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Schwamb of Arlington, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Macomber, Kineo; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Folsom and son, Thomas, Mrs. Alice Whitney, Greenville Jct.; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Folsom, Mrs. Ray Hutchinson, Greenville; Roy Buxton, Joseph Mullin, Corinna; C. C. Merrill, Pittsfield; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, John Frye, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Flanders, Mrs. Alice Flanders and Mrs. Marian Harrington, all of Guilford; Mrs. Colby Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Huff and daughters, Dawn and Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Folsom, all of Augusta.