Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
Mrs. Nellie I. Curtis, 75, widow of the late Leslie Curtis, died early this morning at the Plummer Memorial hospital where she had been a patient for ten days. She was born Decem- ber 28,1867, in Bangor, the daughter of the late Benjamin and Carolyn Ireland, but when she was a small child the family moved to, Dexter and she has always made her home here. In 901 she was united in marriage to Leslie Curtis who passed away in May, 1931. She attended the Dexter schools and for many years was em- ployed in the woolen mills in this town. Mrs. Curtis was a charter member of Rebecca Weston Chapter, D. A. R, a member of Wassookeag Chapter, 0. E. S., Martha Washington Rebekah lodge, the Ladies Auxiliary to Canton Dexter, Patriarchs Militant, Faithful Link,, P. N. G's association and Mar- tha Washington Sewing club. She was very active in Rebekah lodge cir- cles, was a past noble grand and had held other important offices besides being a valued member of the lodge degree staff for many years, She was also secretary of Wassookeag Chap- ter for several years. She was a devoted member of the First Baptist church and always a lover of little children, she especially showed her in- terest and affection for them in a large primary class which, she or- ganized and taught for many years at the Baptist Sunday school. Al- ways thoughtful of the welfare of others, ever ready to lend a helping hand, kind and generous at all times, were traits which,with her pleasing personality, won for her, the very wide circle of friends which she possessed. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Dora Ireland, who made her home with Mrs. Curtis, and Mrs. Cora Bragdon both of Dexter; a niece, Mrs. Lloyd Went- worth of Dexter and a nie