Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Corinna, ME
Date of Death
Eastern Gazette 9-20-1928
Chester Coburn The many friends of Chester Co- burn will deeply regret to learn of his death last Thursday following a surgi- cal operation. He was taken suddenly ill with extreme suffering so that the only help possible seemed to be an operation. Mr. Coburn had for the past three and nearly a half years made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Ora Littlefield of Corinna, where he had received the best of care. He was at the time of his decease 76 years, five months and 13 days of age. He is survived by two sons, Walter 0. Co- burn of Staten Island, N. Y., and El- mer C. Coburn of Lagrange. Mr. Coburn had been a resident of Dexter, Dover-Foxcroft and other towns in the state. Mrs. Coburn died while they were residents of Dexter, just previous to the coming to the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Littlefield. Eastern Gazette Sept. 20, I928