Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Carroll, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
Eastern Gazette
The many friends, in this town of Miss Isa Curtis will be sorry to learn of her death which occurred Saturday at the home of E. M. Dunning in Corinna. The deceased was born in Carroll, Me., 66 years ago. For many years she was employed in this town at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Plummer, High street. She is sur- vived by one sister, Mrs. Minnie Geralds, of this town, and two neph- ews, Stanley Bement bf this town and Walter Bement of Greenville. Funer- al services were conducted from the Dunning home Tuesday at 10’clock, and the remains were brought to this town, for interment. Eastern Gasette. Oct. 13, 1927