Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-27-1911
James E.Brawn, Dexters oldest citizen died very suddenly at his home on the Dover road Friday morning. He arose in his usual health but was later found dead in an outbuilding, death having evidently Come from an attack of' heart disease. Mr. Brawn has been a resident of Dexter for a number of years, coming here from Skowhegan. Since the death of the late Moody Bailey, Mr. Brawn has had the Boston Post cane as the old- est resident of the town and was at the time of his death 91 years of age. His widow survives him. The funeral services were held from his late home Sunday afternoon, Rev. R. L. Olds of the Baptist church officiating. James L, Brawn Early on the morning of April 2lst this,the oldest citizen of Dexter,and holder of the "Post cane," passed from the scenes of earth. He was apparently as well as; usual and 'was up and about the place at an early; hour. He had gone out of the house and not returning as soon as was expected; search was begun and he was found; but a little distance away lying straight upon his back without a bruise or trace of struggle to mark his passing from earth. He and his wife, who is some years his junior in age, had been unable to carry on the active work of life and had come to make their home with Mr. L. S. Trundy on a little farm he had purchased just north of the village that he might care for them. They had been kind to him when he was but a boarder with them, and when they were no longer able to work and there was none to care for them, just as if he had been a son, he bought the little place and brought them to it, and there they lived till Mr. Brawn's death and there the widow continues to live. Although Mr. Trnndy is not related to him in any, way, and though having no family of his own, he has cared for them with a tenderness and liberality most commendable. The three of them made a family, sharing as they could the numerous home and household duties. Mr. Trundy has declined any assistance which could wound a sensitive nature, and he provided an entirely fitting funeral for him whom he was wont to call "Uncle Jim." James L. Brawn was born at Millburn, Me, March 29, 1830, and was 91 years, 31 days old at his death. He moved to Wisconsin in early life and was a teamster of both horse and ox, and said to be without a superior. He. married Miss Mary E. Harriman about 1864. Some ten years later he united with the Congregational church of Black River Falls, Wis. Later, they returned to Maine and worked about ten years on the farm now owned by L.M.Haseltine. After they moved to Silver's Mills and kept boarders and it was here that Mr. Trundy became acquainted with them. When ill health and old age compelled them to give up this work they all came to the little red house near the Trotting park, where they have lived ever since, a period of some 16 years. There are a few relatives living, among whom are two brothers, one of whom was too ill to be at the funeral,'and two nieces. This fine friendship and unoblegated hospitality is both unique and most commendable would there were more men and women of this type. The funeral was from the house on Sunday afternoon, April 33, being attended by friends and neighbors from all about, by whom he was held in high esteem. Rev. B. L. Olds Officiated and Misses Clara Passett and Rae Monks sang. The interment was in a beautifully shaded lot in Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Mrs. Brawn and Mr. Trundy are very appreciative of the kindness of neighbors and friends at this time and desire to thank them all.