Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Needham Cronicle 6-2-1932
Robert Malcolm Arnold Largely attended funeral services were conducted Friday afternoon, May 13th, at the Methodist church for Robert Malcolm Arnold, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Arnold of Enfield, N. H., formerly of Mark Lee road, who passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, May ll th, 1932. The officers of the William Carter Co., heads of departments, office em- ployes, Sherwood Lodge, Sons of St. George, and the Epworth League, of which Robert was a member, were represented among the large number who came to pay their last tribute of high regard and sincere, friend- ship for Robert M. Arnold. Dr. Edward A. Elliott, pastor of the church, conducted the services, and the eulogy was given by Rev. Mason W. Sharp of Auburndale, former pastor, who had known Bob- bie intimately through his church as- sociation for several years. Likening his brief life to a bud that had been plucked before it bloomed to maturity Mr. Sharp paid touching tribute to the deceased, expressing the comfort- ing thought that the pattern of life ended here by the broken thread would. be completed in the other world. Active in the affairs of the young people of the Methodist church; Robert's happy nature and smiling face made him one of the best loved members of the Epworth League. The Old Rugged Cross, and Beau- tiful Isle of Somewhere were tender- ly and expressively rendered by Mrs. Judith Lee Walton, Miss Maud Well- ington presiding at the organ. The bearers were Roy Trecartin, John Pilkington, Frank McCarthy, Robert Day, Laurence McCulloch and Carlton Kilmer, representing the basketball, and bowling teams, and the Carter office. Karl Flint, Robert Latham and Kenneth McCulloch were ushers. Bobby graduated from Needham High school with the class of 1930 and was very popular with his class- mates. Always interested in athle- tics he could not take an active part due to an illness which finally forced him to undergo a serious major operation at the Glover Hospital in the summer of 1929. Perhaps not realizing the seriousness of his phy- sical condition, due to his love of athletics, Bobby was always taking an active part in sports. At the William Carter Company, as an office boy, he was loved by all, the fellow employees who were given a great start early in the morning when Bob delivered the mail due to his ever present smile. When the news of his death reached the office Wednesday afternoon everyone was stunned. Saturday he came to work and was apparently quite ill. He made the first trip through the office with the mail at 8:15 and then was forced to go home after being prevailed upon to do so by those who saw him. It was his last trip through after being employed for several years , first working part time after school hours and then getting steady employment in the mailing department. Bobby's death has grieved the entire town and especially those who were in daily contact with him and were very fond of his good natured ways and philosophy of life. Interment was in Enfield, N.H., on Saturday. Born in Dexter, Me., July 11, 1912, he is survived by his parents and two brothers, Harold and Clarence. Beautiful floral expressions of sympathy including tokens from the William Carter Co.,Sherwood Lodge, Sons of St. George, Epworth League, Class of 1930, N.H.S., pals in the square and many friends.