Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Northwest Harbor,ME
Date of Death
Scans from Dexter Obits A-C p.7
Burial of Everett Allen The remains of Everett Allen, 14- year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen were brought to Dexter from Northeast Harbor Tuesday night and taken to the funeral parlors of Ram- say & Gates Co. The boy was found Sunday hanging from a tree on a summer estate at Northeast Harbor, where he had gone for a walk. It is thought that when he was try- ing some Boy Scout stunts he acci- dentally brought about his, death. Apparently he was aIone at the time of his death and his body was dis- covered by Everett Robinson, who was walking along the shore. The parents of the boy have lived in Dexter and North Dexter quite a number of years, going to Mt Desert four years ago. Mr. Allen came to Dexter from Parkman and married Miss Gertrude Bodge of this town. They lived for a time on Park street and later on Grove street. Mr. Allen was employed in the mill of the Amos Abbott Co. Everett was the only child. Prayers were offered Wednes- day , afternoon at 1.30 by Rev. Arthur J. Hamilton of the Methodist church and interment was at Mt Pleasant cemetery.