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Harold Crawford Funeral services for Harold E. Crawford, 63, of Dexter who died Saturday in a Bangor convalescent home after a prolonged illness, were held at the First Baptist Church in Dexter Tuesday after- noon. The Rev. A. Allan Brough of Fairfield, formerly of this church, and the Rev. Walter B. Wakeman, pastor, officiated. Bearers were: Earle and Guy Ellms, Ralph Clifford and Dana Wilbur. Interment was in the fami- ly lot at Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Dexter. Dexter Grange attended in a body. He was born at Natick, Mass., son of Charles H. and F. Ger- trude (Ellms) Crawford. He was an honorary member of the Dexter Fish and Game Association and Dexter Grange. He had been em- ployed by the State of Maine as a municipal auditor. He is survived by his wife, Blanche M. of Northeast Harbor; his mother, Mrs. F. Gertrude Craw- ford, Dexter; three sons, Kenneth E. Fort Devens. Mass., Charles E., Beverly, Mass., and Robert E. of Clifton; three daughters, Mrs. Nor- man Bruce, Portland; Miss Eliza-- beth M. Bangor and Miss Donna, E. of Beverly, Mass., one brother, Carl S. of Dexter; one sister, Mrs, Norman Quimby, Dexter, and sev- eral grandchildren. Members of the family and Friends from out-of-town at the ser- vice were: Mrs. Blanche M. Craw- ford, Northeast Harbor; Kenneth E. Crawford and Kenneth, Jr., Ayer, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Bruce, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crawford, Miss Donna Crawford, Beverly, Mass., .Miss Elizabeth M. Crawford, Ban- gor; Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Craw- ford, Clifton; Mrs. Harold Hanson, Rev; and Mrs. A. Allan Brough, all of Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Ience Day, Orono; Mrs. Clyde N. Johnson and daughter of Bath; Mrs. Laura A. Smith, Roque Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs . Samuel Watts, Ma- chias ; Mrs. Charles Newcomb, Clinton; George Smith, Pittsfield and William Lewis, Augusta..