Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette
Death of C. W. Ellis. After a long and painful illness, of tuberculosis of the blood, complicated with other troubles, our fellow-townsman, Columbus W. Ellis, passed away early Sunday morning. Mr. Ellis was born in this town Jan. 31, 1847, and has always resided here. His parents were Sylvanus and Rebecca Ellis. He was married to Miss Clara Cobb Nov. 30, 1869. Three children were the result of this union, two girls and a boy, Mildred (Mrs. T. K. Edes) of Dexter, Merton of Beverly, Mass., and E. Rebecca who lives at home. Mr. Ellis is also survived by three brothers: Lewis of California, Hiram of Minnesota, and Millen F. of this town. During the early days of the Guilford Manufacturing Co , Mr. Ellis was elected president and general manager, at a time when it was in a condition of adversity and the stock was selling at almost any price, and built the business up so that at the present time, it is the most prosperous business in town. For many years he was engaged in the lumber business with W. E. Wise of North Guilford, under the firm name of Ellis & Wise, in which he was very successful Mr. Ellis has held various town offices creditably and to the satisfaction of the townspeople. Mr. Ellis was charitable, conscientious and a strictly honorable man and none stood higher in the estimation of his townsmen than he. His word was as good as his bond and his life corresponded at nearly as possible with his lofty ideals, Mr. Ellis was a life-long Universalist, a member of the church and had been superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He was also a member of the Young People's Christian Union and at the meeting of that body, always had good advice for the young people. He was also a strong temperance man, a Republican Prohibitionist. He was a highly esteemed member of Mt. Kineo lodge, F. & A. M., and Good Cheer lodge of Odd Fellows. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock and despite the quite heavy rain, a large concourse of friends attended. The services were in charge of Rev. F. L. Payson of the Universalist church. Rev. T. F. Jones of the Methodist church offered a fervent prayer. The Masonic male quartet rendered appropriate music. The beautiful Masonic service was observed The services throughout were very impressive. The Masons and Odd Fellows were in attendance and escorted the procession to the cemetery.