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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
Hold Funeral Services For Mrs. Charles Sevey Mrs. Lillian Dorrine Sevey,45, wife of Charles Sevey died sudden- ly Monday night, at their farm home in Ripley. Funeral services were head at the Crosby funeral home this afternoon with the Rev. A. Allan Brough of the First-Baptist Church of Dexter officiating. Bearers Were John, Roy, Elmer and Albert Sevey, Rodney Young and Howard Jackson. In- ternment was to be in Ferndale cem-. etery, Ripley. She was born in Dexter, Jan. 29, 1904, daughter of Asa M. and Susie (Eldridge) Jones. She was a mem- ber of Dexter Grange, later trans- ferrilig to Ripley Grange. Survivors other than her hus- band are her father, Asa Jones of Glenn Falls, N.Y.; six daughters Mrs. Shirley Philbrick of Pitts- field, Mrs. Mary Chabot, of Dexter, Mrs. Edith Rummery, Misse Sere- tha, Ethelyn and Evelyn Sevey, all of Ripley; an aunt,Mrs. Edith Far- rar of Pittsfield, with whom she lived when a Young girl; six sis- ters, Mrs. Marcia Soul of 0ak- land, Mrs. Ella Morin of Fairfield, Mrs. Ruth Greeley of Parkman, Mrs. Gertrude Gould of Ripley, Mrs. Russell Biclkford, Mrs. Char- lene Maher, both of So. Portland, Mrs. Paul Sakayan of New York; and a brother, Robert Downing of Waterville.