Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Ripley, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-13-1902
Died, in Dexter, at his residence on lower Main street, on Feb. 6th, Mr. Frank L. Briggs, aged 35 years. Funeral services were held on Sunday, the 9th inst., at the Christian church in Ripley, conducted by the Rev. H. J. Piper of the Free Baptist church assisted by the Rev. W. R. Gould of the Universalist church, both of Dexter. Mr. Briggs was born in Ripley and was the only surviving child of Arvida and Margaret Briggs. He grew up to manhood on the farm with his parents, and received his education in he common schools, St. Albans High school and Dexter High school. Though bred a farmer, his natural adaptability for business soon brought him to the front in his native town. At an early age he was employed as teacher in the public school of his own and neighboring towns and for seven years he was supervisor of the public schools of Ripley. For five consecutive years he served the town as one of its selectmen, the last three years as chairman of the board. His genial nature, unyielding honesty and sterling integrity not only won for him the love and respect of his pupils as a teacher, but the entire confidence and esteem of his fellow-townsmen and all others with whom he came in contact, both in public and private life. Three and a half years ago, Mr. Briggs, on account of failing health, was obliged to leave the farm, when he moved with his family to Dexter and accepted the position of bookkeeper for the Morrison Woolen Company, which position he held until last May, when, his health still declining, he was obliged to give up business entirely, since which time he continued to fail up to the time of his death. Seven years ago Mr. Briggs was married to Miss Nellie G. Copeland of Ripley, who with two children, aged five and three years, survive him, beside his aged father and mother, a half brother and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The funeral services of F.L. Briggs of Dexter were held in the Christian church Sunday afternoon. There was a large gathering of his former friends and townsmen. There were many beautiful floral tributes from friends both in Dexter and Ripley. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Piper and Rev. Mr. Gould of Dexter. Mr. Briggs was born and lived at West Ripley until three years ago he moved to Dexter and entered the office of the Morrison Woolen Co. as book keeper were he remained until failing health compelled him to give up work. He had held offices of trust in town, was greatly interested in our schools and did much to improve them, both as a teacher and supervisor. He will be greatly missed and sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends.