Last Name
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Place of Birth
Monmouth, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Dexter Gazettte 4-5-1878
Miss Mary Arnold was born in Monmouth, Me., July, 1815, and died in Dexter, Mar. 21, 1878, at the age of 62 years, 8 months. She came to this town about eighteen years ago, and since that time has had a pleasant home in the family of her brother, John Arnold. Since a child of but three years, she has been a cripple, suffering bodily pain and privation, but has never been known to complain of her lot. It was a dispensation of Providence, the wisdom of which, though she could not understand, she was willing to wait for the future to develop. Her mild, genial disposition, and the truly Christian graces of her heart, have endeared her to all who knew her. Her life of peace and happiness, even in affliction, has been due to her early conversion to the will of God. She was at first connected with the F. W. B. church of Monmouth, but that becoming disorganized, she joined the Congregational church of the same place, upon its organization some twenty-five years ago. Upon coming to this place, she removed her church membership to the Congregational church in Dexter, of which she has since been a loved and valued member. Her example and influence have always been good; and the young hearts of her brother's children, with whom she has been so intimately associated, have received many a noble lesson of love and trust from her faithful, Christian life as well as from the teachings of her lips. J. S. R.