Last Name
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Place of Birth
Minot, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Sangerville, ME
Date of Death
The Dexter Gazette 10-15-1886
Death of an Old Resident. All the older citizens of Dexter will remember one of Dexter's most famous teachers, "Jo. Sam Williams," as he was popularly called, and his excellent wife who was also a teacher in the town in its early days. They were for very many years residents of the town, and were much beloved and respected. Mr. Williams died many years ago and now Mrs. Williams has passed away at the ripe age of 92 years. From the Piscataquis Observer we clip the following obituary of this estimable woman, written by Capt. Abner T. Wade, of Sangerville: OBITUARY.-Mrs. Nancy R., widow of the late Joseph S. Williams, died at the residence of her son, Owen B. Williams, Esq., in Sangerville, Thursday, 7th inst, at the advanced age of 92 years. Mrs. W. was born in Minot, Me., and removed when young to St. Albans. She was a teacher in Dexter for several years, married in 1826, and with her husband was among the early settlers of Dexter, where she has had her share of the privations and hardships attendant upon pioneer life in those days. She was the mother of eleven children, six of whom died young. Four sons survive her, only one of whom was present at her burial, two of them residing in the west and one in New York. A member of the Congregational Church, her life was that of a consistent and devoted Christian; and through it all she retained the esteem and respect of all who knew her. The last days of this good woman were days of comfort and peace, and her dissolution so painless that it may truthfully be said, she simply "fell to sleep." A. T. W.