Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Dexter Gazette 12-4-1885
Death of an Old Resident. One by one old inhabitants are leaving us for the mysterious "beyond." Saturday evening, the 21st ult., at about six o'clock, Mrs. Luetta, widow of the late Jonas Wheeler, peacefully breathed her last at the old homestead farm, where she has for several years had her home with her grandson, Mr. C. C. Hatch. Mrs. W. has been confined to the house for some sixteen years and to her room for about five years. She has, however, retained her mental faculties in a remarkable degree, and has always been interested in the current events, and be a perusal of the papers, kept herself well informed as to people and things. Up to within a day of her death she was apparently as well as usual, and it may be said of her as it was of the late Dr. Burleigh, that "the oil had all been burned our of the lamp." Deceased was 77 years old, and came to this place when a very little girl. She has seen the village grow up, for when she came here the old Bates house on Main Steet, and perhaps one or two others, were all that were here at that time that are now standing. In the early days of the Old Dexter House, of which her husband was landlord, Mrs. Wheeler was the moving spirit in its domestic affairs, and many a traveller and patron of the house remember her kind-hearted deeds with genuine gratitude. Her funeral was held Monday afternoon, the 23d ult., Rev. J. F. Witherell conducting the services.-[Eastern State.