Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern State 9-13-1889
Died. McCRILLIS--In Dexter, Sept. 10th, Mr. N. L. McCrillis, aged 52 years, 11 months and 29 days. Death of N. L. McCrillis. Quite a shock was given to our community Tuesday by the news that Mr. N. L. McCrillis was dead. He had been ill for some time from rheumatic and liver troubles but it was not deemed dangerous until Monday when his symptoms became alarming. Mr. McCrillis removed to Dexter from Hartland nearly twenty years ago. He at once established himself in business here as a clothing manufacturer and has carried on the business ever since. This work brought him into contact with people of all the surrounding towns and gave him a wide acquaintance. He was a member of the Ninth Me. Regiment and served through the war. He became interested in the Grand Army as soon as that organization was formed and continued an active member until his death. For three years he was Commander of H. F. Safford Post. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and was always active in his interest for the order. He was a bright Odd Fellow, being a member of both Plymouth Lodge I. 0. 0. F. and the Encampment, and had been chief officer of both. He had been district deputy of the Grand Lodge. He was a deeply religious man, a member of the Methodist Church and for nine years Supt. of its Sunday school. Great confidence was reposed in him. At his death he was treasurer of the Methodist Society quartermaster of the Grand Army Post: and financial secretary of the Odd Fellows Lodge. His family relations have been of the happiest kind. He leaves a wife and four children who will have the warm sympathy of all our people in their affliction. The burial services of Mr. McCrillis occurred yesterday afternoon at the Methodist Church. Rev. J. R. Clifford officiated. Each of the Odd Fellows organizations, the Grand Army Post and the Masonic Lodge, attended in regalia. The service was conducted by the Odd Fellows. The floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful. The most effective was "The Gates Ajar" from his Sabbath School. The Odd Fellows sent a pillow with emblem of the order, the Grand Army a closed book with emblems, the Ladies Relief Corps a star with emblems, the W. C. T. U. a pillow, the children a pillow bearing the words "Our Papa." Besides these there were numerous wreaths and boquets from friends. The service was very impressive and there was a large attendance. The stores were closed during the hours of the services as a mark of respect.