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The Dexter Gazette 1-29-1890
Benjamin F. Mills. Our people were shocked yesterday morning to learn of the death of our honored citizen, B. F. Mills who passed away at his residence on Dustin Hill, Monday night. In the eraly evening, Mr. Mills, who had been ill for about two weeks, appeared considerably improved and the physician was somewhat inclined to consider his condition favorable. However at about eleven o'clock p. m., a sudden change for the worse occurred, and the attendants summoned assistance. J. W. Crosby and others were called in and attempts were made to revive the sufferer. It became evident, however, that his lapse into unconsciousness had been the transition from life to death. The immediate cause of of death was heart failure. Mr. Mills had always been strong and healthy and his death was entirely unexpected by his scores of friends in our village. B. F. Mills came to this place from Newport in 1859 or '60 and commenced work for N. Dustin & Co., in their well-known foundry. He was a faithful and trusted employee, hard-working, genial and ever obliging. His disposition was singularly equable and he never evinced signs of atilrer or ir- ritability. His term of cei-vice for the above fit-in extended over the vears be- tweep 1860 and Aug., 1887: When Daqtlt@ & Co.. i-ei-ooved their busitiesq to OAklaiid, Mc. Mills purchased the btisineis and cari,ic(i it on for about i, then di-@, d,@ fit - t@ Fay & Scott. Ile was a man of iiiiex- ceptiottabl(, char@icter in all business relations and enjoyed the trust and friendship of the entire community. For manv years he had been Dextei-'s chief constable and his facaitv itiquell- ina any disturbance upon tht,- Pli,eet or !II [)iiblic assemblages was amazing. Mr. -Nfitl-3 leaves a wife, a dau,,Yliter, Mrs. C. B. Abbott, and one son, flar- ry. His age was sixtv oiie ),ea,-s. Faiier.-ii services will be held this afternoon at his late residence, Rev. B. C. Wentworth officiating. ALPETP,D HART. Tho(igh his death was not tinexpect- ed, Yet Itwas with i,egret that our peo- ple learned of the demise of Mr. At- fi-ed Hart, which occurred Monday t@vet.iiiit,r at ,ibotit eleven o'clock. Mr. Hart had be,@ii !II soine time with coti- sumptiott and tied been slowly failing for maiiv months. "is aoe was 54 years. Ho l@!aves three dau-hters and one son, Willie. Mr. H@irt was a re,;i(lent in Dexter for ti)any years having removed to this place from Ma@., in 1838. He eii- listed in Dexter's tii-st qttota. as many will i-coollect. He was ui)iforml3@ well-liked aiiii was a worthv citizen. The f tineral occui,r(@d this forenoon tiri(lei- the auspices of I,Ivtnouth Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. of which the deceased was a member.