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Bangor Daily 1961
MAURICE L. HALL Rites Held For Maurice L. Hall Funeral services were held Wed- nesday afternoon at the Crosby Funeral Home at Dexter for Mau- rice L. Hall, 51, husband of Mrs. Eleanor (Kane) Hall, who died suddenly Monday morning at his home on Railroad ave. The Rev. E. King Hempel of the First Uni- versalist Church offciated. Maso- nic services were held. Burial was at Mt. Pleasant Ce- metery. Bearers were: Dr. Ste- phen Frey of Skowhegan, Luther Nichols, Cair Wiley and William Burgess, Sr., all of Dexter. He was born at Rockland, Aug. 24, 1910, son of Arthur and Minnie (Larabee) Hall. An alumnus of the University of Maine, he has been local representative of the Central Maine Power Company in its office on Main street for five years; and prior to coming to Dex- ter held a like position at Nor- ridgewock. In 1960 Mr. Hall was presented with his 25 year pin by the company. He was a member of Lebanon Masonic Lodge at Nor- ridgewock. Besides his widow, he is surviv- ed by his mother of Rockland; three sons, Donald W. of Water- ville, Richard M. of Madison and Anthony W. Hall with the U. S. Army at Fort Dix, N. J., one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Wark of England; one brother, Perley Hall of Thomaston; two sisters, Mrs. rances Mosher and Mrs. Helen Lewis, both of Rockland; five grandchildren, nieces and neph- ews.