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Date of Death
Bangor Daily 1962
RALPH D. McKUSICK DEXTER - Ralph David Mc- Kusick, 71, died at his home on Highland Avenue Tuesday follow- ing a long period of failing health. He was born at Abbot, June 13, 1891, son of Ami and Louise (Gen- tbner) McKusick. He lived in District No. 10 for 64 years, before purchasing his home in town a few years ago. He was engaged in farming and for the past 17 years bad been in the insurance business. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Dexter, the Grange, East Somerset Pomona and the Penobscot Masonic Lodge of Dex- ter. He was a tax assessor for many years. He is survived by his widow Ef- fie (Nichols) McKusick; a daugh- ter, Mrs. Ernest Sevey of Farm- ington; three sons, Rodney of Milford, Mich., Dean and Gor- don of Dexter; a brother, Albert of Dexter; seven grandchildren; many nieces, nephews and cous- sins. Funeral service will he at the First Baptist Church Friday at 2 p.m., the Rev. Walter B. Wake- man officiating. There will also be a Masonic service. Burial will be at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, here. Friends may call at Crosby Funeral Home Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.