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Bangor Daily 8-1942
ALBERT H. BENTLEY DEXTER, Aug. I-Albert, H. Bentley, 65, died suddenly st his home on Pleasant street, Saturday evening, following a few hours, Illness. The deceased was born in Dexter in 1877, the son of George and Jane Taylor Bentley. Mr. Bentley had been associated with the textile business all his life, and was superintendent of mills in Massachusetts, New Hamp- shire, and Vermont, returning to Dexter in 1927, where he had been associated with the Amos Abbott company up to the time of his death. He has been very prominent in the Odd Fellows, and had served As a grand lodge Officer, He was also a past noble grand of Ply- mouth lodge No. 65 of Dexter, past chief patriarch of Silver Lake encampment, and past captain of Canton Dexter. The survivors are his wife, Mrs. Erma Call Bentley; daughters, Mrs. Ernest L. Widdoes of Augusta, Mrs. Donald Stanton of Mechanic Falls, Mrs. Horace Hopkins, Mrs. Quentin, Robinson, Mrs. Abland Flanders, of Dexter, Mrs. Robert Anderson, Dover - Foxcroft; stepdaughters, Mrs. Horace Gordon, Miss Elizabeth Call, and Miss Grace Call of Port- land; two sisters, Mrs. Florence Files of Clinton and Mrs. Isabel Dexter of Riverside Calif., and a niece, Miss Hazel Davis of Warren, Mass. Funeral services will be Monday afternoon at 2 O'clock at the Ivirst Universalist church, the Rev. Gor- don C. Reardon Officiating. Odd Fellows service will be conducted. Walter N. Eaton