Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-22-1903, p.5
OBITUARY. The many friends of Mrs. Lizzie E. Stearns were much grieved to learn of her death which occurred Sunday, Jan. llth, at 2 o'clock, after an illness of over one year. She was the daughter of Elias H. and Hannah K. Moore and was born in Dexter May 15, 1856, being the eldest of five children, three of whom are now living. She was married to Mr. Bethuel F. Stearns twenty-five years ago. By this union there are three daughters, Miss Grace and Miss Gladys and Mrs. Charles Yeaton. And the two little mother-less girls in the home to which she came never lacked for a mother's loving care and sympathy. She was all that a true wife and mother can be, loving her home and family and always thinking of their comfort and happiness before her own. This was characteristic of her even up to the day of her death. Many times during her illness she would remain on her couch through the day saving her strength that she might be sitting up when her husband returned from his work at night because she had noted the look of genuine pleasure and encouragement he wore when she seemed to be gaining. She had a smile and pleasant words for everyone and very few realized the terrible suffering she endured each day. Everything which medical skill or loving relatives could suggest were done to restore her health but it was of no avail and though she could not remain with her beloved family, she has left them the memory of a pure minded, unselfish wife and mother. The funeral was held at her home on Spring street Wednesday, Jan. 14, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. B. B. Woods conducting the service, his words of comfort doing so much to ease the pain in the hearts of those who mourned her. His words of praise for a life so unselfishly and nobly lived were felt to be well merited by the many friends and neighbors who had gathered there to pay their last respects. The choir composed of Misses Packard and Hutchinson, Messrs. Smart and Crosby, with Mrs. Crosby as organist touchingly rendered the three favorite hymns of Mrs. Stearns. At the close the simple but impressive rites of the Martha Washington Rebekah Lodge I. 0. 0. F. were observed, Mrs. Stearns having been a respected member of this lodge since it was first organized. The remains will be interred at Mt. Pleasant cemetery.