Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-15-1903, p.5
Death of a Prominent Citiz en. Our people were much suprised and grieved last Saturday evening to learn that Job Abbott of the Amos Abbot Co. had passed away. Some two years ago Mr. Abbott had a shock from which he recovered and had enjoyed his usual health up to the afternoon of his death. He was about town Saturday forenoon, apparently as well as usual while at the dinner table he complained of pain in his head which later passed to his chest. A physician was summoned and he rallied from the trouble and was not thought to be in immediate danger until about nine o'clock in the evening when those in attendance heard him cough while they were preparing some medicine and hurrying to his side found he had expired. His death was due to another shock. While of course it was realized there was danger yet his sudden death was entirely unexpected and came as a great blow to his family. But very few about town knew of his sickness and the news of his death was the first intimation they had that he was not in his usual health. The funeral was held at the house on Church street Tuesday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Gould officiating. The mill and places of business in town were closed during the afternoon out of regard for the deceased. The bearers were C. W. Curtis, C. M. Sawyer, Dana Crockett, C. P. McCrillis, Samuel Eldridge, H. S. Dole. The burial was in Elmwood cemetery. Job Abbott was born in this town Dec. 15, 1827, and was the son of Jeremiah Abbott. He was educated in the common schools and Westbrook Academy from which he graduated. On returning to town he worked in the woolen mills for a time and later became connected with the firm of Amos Abbott & Co. which comprised his father and Amos Abbott. Later he and George A. Abbott entered the firm. After the death of George A. Abbott the business was incorporated as the Amos Abbott Co. and Job Abbott has since remained as head of the business and its President, although for some years past he had given up active work in the office and had taken more interest in farming. He owned two farms, one located on the west side of Grove street and the other on the Dover road. Mr. J. C. Bailey has been his farm superinten- tendent for a good many years and Mr. Abbott has heartily enjoyed this branch of his business. Mr. Abbott was a member of the Universalist church in this village and was devoted to its interests. As a citizen he was public spirited and was ever found advocating good morals and a high standard of life. As a friend he was honored by all and his death will be sincerely mourned. Mr. Abbott married Mss Amanda Field, who with two children, Arthur P. and Miss Helen C. Abbott, survive him. They have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends in their affliction.