Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-7-1909, p.5
Miss Pomeroy Child Burned to Death The overturning of a lamp at the home of Joseph Pomeroy on Grove street Monday morning was the cause of the death of their little three year old daughter after several hours indescribable suffering. Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy are employed in the Abbott Woolen mill and went to their work as usual shortly before six o'clock, leaving a lighted lamp on a bureau in the room where the little girl was sleeping. Mrs. Pomeroy's mother, Mrs. Frank Peno, was downstairs attending to the housework when she heard the child moving around in the sleeping room. She went to the foot of the stairs to meet her as usual when she was horrified to see that her clothing was on fire. The screams of the child were heard by Philip Provost, who was driving past with a grocery team and he at once rushed into the house and with the aid of Zebulon Pomeroy assisted in smothering the flames as quickly as possible but the unfortunate child was badly burned from the blazing oil that saturated her clothing. There was also a slight blaze in the room in which the child had been sleeping where the lamp had fallen on the floor, which was soon extinguished. Dr. Thatcher was called and everythig possible was done to relieve her suffering from the terrible burns about her head and shoulders, but she was so badly burned that she died Monday evening.