Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Skowhegan, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-16-1913, p.5
Mrs. Amanda Elder Dexter people learn with sorrow of the sudden passing away of Mrs. Amanda Elder in Skowhegan last Friday afternoon, at the home of Dr. Frederick Kincaid, whence she had gone for treatment. Apparently she was regaining her health but suddenly became ill and passed away. Mrs. Elder was one of the best known residents of this town, residing here for many years, and will be sadly missed. She was a member of Martha Washington Rebekah Lodge, No. 18, I. 0. 0. F., and had been an officer in that fraternity; she was also a Past Worthy Matron of Wassookeag Chapter No. 44, 0. E. S., and greatly interested in the work of these societies. She was also a devoted church worker giving most of her time to further the cause of the church. Memorial services were held Monday forenoon at the First Baptist church, Rev. R. L. Olds, pastor of that church officiating. Interment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery. The impressive burial services of both the Martha Washington Rebecca lodge and of Wassookeag Chapter were read at the church and the cemetery. Mrs. Elder leaves a sister, Mrs. Charles Bailey, who resided with her the past summer, and a brother, A. S. Whitney, of Guilford, to mourn their loss.