Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Silver's Mills, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 3-2-1905, p.5
It is our sad duty to note in this issue the sudden death of Mrs. Charles B. Silver (Rebecca E. Silver) of Silver's Mills, which occurred Saturday night about midnight. Mrs. Silver had not been in good health for some time, but was taken violently ill on Tuesday, developing in typhoid, fever, resulting in her death. The funeral services conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. G. Fisher, were held at the home, where a large number of friends and relatives were present. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. One seldom sees so many and so beautiful flowers on such an occasion. The words of the pastor were touching and appreciative, while the entire arrangements, under the charge of Mr. C. S. Hutchinson, were all that could be desired. The bearers were, Mr. W. C. Gerry, E. C. Folsom, E. G. Jackson and C. E. Jackson. Interment at Mount Pleasant. Her age was fifty years. She had been a member of the Congregational church for many years. Mrs. Silver had lived a noble life and raised up a noble family, four daughters and one son, all of whom were present at the services except the son, now in the South. Two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Crosby, and Louisa K. Dearth, a brother, Elmer H. Dearth, and her mother, Mrs. Henry L. Dearth, are left. Mr. Silver and his family have the sincere sympathy of all our people. A noble life has gone out. In the words of the pastor, "Would that we had more women, more mothers, like her."