Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-6-1910, p.8
Montraville C. Bailey On Sept. 12, came the serene ending of the well spent life of Montraville C. Bailey at the farmhouse near Gilman’s Corner, where he was born and where he and his estimable wife have lived and labored many years. Mr. Bailey was the son of the late Cyrus and Anna Packard Bailey and was eighty-two years of age. He is survived by his wife, who has devotedly ministered to and watched over him, and four sisters, Mrs. Matilda Dexter of Riverside Cal., Mrs. A B. Fogg of Dexter, Mrs. J. C. Trickey of Kenduskeag and Mrs. Smith Higgins of Charleston. Several years ago he found his farm cares too arduous and Mr. and Mrs. Smith Grant came to the home to take charge of affairs where they have faithfully performed their duties. Although he has been failing in health for sometime his metal faculties were keen and he was interested in the affairs of the day to the last. He always had a cheerful word for those who called to see him and bore his sufferings, which were intense at times, with fortitude, remarking on one occasion, "The Lord loveth whom he chasteneth. “Mr. Bailey was a man of strict integrity and one whose word was always to be relied on. He was a great reader and was possessed of extremely good Judgment, serving his town on the board of selectmen several terms also as lieutenant in the War of the Rebellion. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were Fred Clement and wife, and Mrs. Carpenter of Milo, Mrs. True, Mrs. Julia Edgerly, Mrs. Maria Paterson and Mrs. Hewey of Dexter and Alton Bodge and wife of Parkman. Rev. S. G. Spear conducted the exercises assisted by Rev. Owen French. He being an old acquaintance of the deceased spoke feelingly of his life and admirable character.