Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 5-19-1910, p.8
Charles C. Hatch Cbarles C. Hatch died at his home on lower Main street Saturday afternoon after an illness of several months of tuberculosis. He had been in failing health for a year or so past, but had not been confined to the house till a few weeks before his death. He was born and always lived in this town, and at the time of his death was 58 years of age. He was educated at Westbrook seminary, and for many years carried on extensive farming operations on the farm now owned by D. H. Mudgett. For several years he was employed in the Dumbarton woolen mill, but for the past two years has been collector of taxes and was elected again to that position at the last annual town meeting. He married Miss Lizzie Campbell, daughter of Otis and Sarah (Davis) Campbell, who died about three years ago. He leaves two daughters Louise and Mary, and a son, Clarence, to mourn his death. The funeral services took place at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, Rev. S. G. Spear of the Universalist church officiating. The bearers were C. H. Haskell, W. E. Hill, Alba French and C. H. Hayden. A large delegation of Penobscot lodge, F. & A. M., was in attendance at the funeral and escorted the remains to Mount Pleasant cemetery, where the interment took place.