Last Name
The Abbotts
First Name
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-28-1935 (LHC)
. LOCAL HISTORY COLUMN 4. "George.Abbot emigrated, as tra- dition reports, from Yorkshire, Eng- land,. about 1640, and came over in the same vessel with Hannah Chand- ler, who, several years after, became his wife. It is this year, (1847), two hundred and four years, since he, with the first settlers, a band of Puritans, erected their humble cabins, in Andover, made of logs and covered with thatch, or bark from trees. How different from the large, com- modious, and beautiful dwellings, which we now see everywhere stand- ing around! Here they began labors, to which they had never been accus- tomed. Here all was new and strange, a severe climate, a howling, gloomy wilderness. The clearing up of the forest, al- ways laborious, even after long ex- perience and skill, with improved in- struments, is peculiarly fatiguing, tedious, and discouraging to the in- experienced with instruments ill adapted to the work. In a new settlement, frequent resort was had to the forest, the brook, and river to supply their necessities. They knew not the use of that invaluable root, the potato, so useful and indispensable to us. From the body of the Genealogical Register:: "(1) GEORGE ABBOT, the ven- erable ancestor of a numerous pro- geny, emigrated, as tradition reports, from Yorkshire, England, about 1640, was one of the first settlers of An- dover, in 1643, and a proprietor; he- lived and died on the farm now own- ed by (7) John Abbot. His house was a garrison, and was used as such many years after his death. In 1647, he married HANNAH CHANDLER, daughter of William and Annis Chandler. Her brother Thomas was among the first settlers of Andover, and progenitor of a numerous race. They were industrious, economical, sober, pious and respected. With Christian fortitude and submission they endured their trials, privations and dangers, of which they had a large share. They brought up a large family well, and trained them in the way they should go, from which they did not depart. (1)George Abbot died Dec.24 1681,O.S (old style) age 66. Hannah Abbot married Rev. Fran- cis Dane, minister of Andover, who died Feb. 1697, age 81. Hannah died June 11, 1711, age 82. It will be noted that (6) George Abbot of Bishops-Stortford, England and Roxbury and Andover, Massa- chusetts, (George, George, William, John, William,) as given in the article Of last week, has become the emi- Grant ancestor in the Register here Quoted, and is desighnated as (1) George Abbot of Andover. The children of George and Han- nah (Chandler) Abbot as given in this book are essentially the same as quoted last week.