Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 9-5&9-12-1912,pp.8&5
The funeral of Miss Olive A. Abbott was held from the home on Church street Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. Stanley Gates Spear, pastor of the First Universalist church officiated. The services were attended by many friends of the de- ceased. Interment was at Mount Pleasant cemetery. The Eastern Gazette 9-5-1912, p.8 Miss Olive Ann Abbott The death of Miss Abbott removes from the community a woman of such sterling character that her going deserves more than a passing mention. Born Nov. 23, 1830, the daughter of Jeremiah and Lucy Safford Abbott, she spent her long life of more than four score years in the home of her birth. Her education was received in the schools of Dexter and for a time she was a teacher here. Then for a period she was engaged in millinery, but her time was mostly devoted to the home and the beautiful, old-fashioned garden which she and her sister loved so dearly. She was kindly, sympathetic and equable in her disposition and possessed such a keen sense of humor as to make her a most delightful companion. She made friends easily, held them always and delighted in her correspondence with those who were absent. She was very benevolent, and many will miss her kindly ministrations and generous assistance. Her help was always given so quietly and graciously as to add thereby to its value. She was a constant attendant at the Universalist church as long as health permitted, taught in its Sunday school, served on, its committees, and was deeply interested in all that pertained to its welfare. Its faith was very precious to her and helped her to live nobly and to bear with patience her long and trying illness until she fell asleep in the certainty of a reunion with the loved ones on the other side. She has passed from our physical vision but the influence of this pure, Christian, old-fashioned gentlewoman will endure in many hearts and lives. Funeral services were held at her late home Sunday afternoon conducted by her pastor, Rev. Stanley Gates Spear. The casket was surrounded with beautiful flowers which she loved so much. The interment was in Elmwood cemetery among her kindred. The sister and other relatives have the sympathy of all in the passing of this rare life. The Eastern Gazette 9-12-1912, p.5