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The Eastern Gazette 4-10-1913, p.8
Dr. Karl G. Morse News was received here Friday morning of the death Thursday evening in a Boston hospital of Dr. Karl G. Morse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E Morse of Waterville, formerly of this town. Dr. Morse was 26 years of age and was a graduate of Tufts Medical school. After attending the Dexter High school for two years he went to Massachusetts where, after attending a preparatory school, he entered Tufts Medical school. Since his graduation he has practiced in Boston, being connected with the dispensary of a large hospital, and also enjoyed a practice at Winthrop Beach. He gave unusual promise in the medical profession, along surgical lines, and it was with deep regret that his many friends learned of the illness from which he has patiently and quietly suffered during the past months, and which after undergoing a surgical operation several days ago was the cause of his sudden passing away. Genial, kind-hearted and generous, he made friends wherever he went and will be greatly missed by his associates. Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, Brett A. Morse, of Waterville. The family have the sympathy of the community in their sorrow. Funeral services were held from the First Universalist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Stanley Gates Spear, pastor of the church, officiating. The bearers were Nathan C. Bucknam, Taylor K. Edes, Fred 0. Herrick. and Ernest W. Farrar. There were many beautiful floral offerings from friends of the deceased here and elsewhere. The services were largely attended by the friends and former schoolmates of the deceased. There was no music. The remains were placed in the receiving tomb at Mount Pleasant cemetery.