Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 8-29-1912, p.5
Death of Charles L. Winslow Charles L. Winslow, one of Dexter's respected citizens, passed away at his home on Spring street Monday morning. He was about 73 years of age and for over 50 years bad been the proprietor of a barber shop on Wall street, nearly opposite the Exchange hotel. He was one of the early oldest barbers in this section of Maine, if riot in the entire State. He was active in his work until a short time ago when be was obliged to give it up on account of failing health. Mr. Winslow was a man who had many friends. He had become acquainted with hundreds during, his long period as a barber and no man in Dexter was better known. He was a member of Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M., and was a regular attendant at the meetings of the lodge. For some time his health has not been of the best and for several weeks he has been failing rapidly. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Helen Winslow Potter, of Winthrop, Mass. The funeral will be held at the Universalist church this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. S. G. Spear officiating.