Last Name
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Place of Birth
Fairfield, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME?
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 3-7-1912, p.5
Abner Shepherd The death of Abner Shepherd, one of the oldest and best known business men of Dexter, came Monday afternoon after an illness of long duration. Mr. Shepherd was born in Fairfield, but came to this town in early life and his active life has been passed here. He engaged in mercantile business while a young man and as a dealer in agricultural lumbering implements and real estate, has carried on a business of considerable volume in which his two sons Edward A. and Luman C., have also been associated with him. He was a veteran of the Civil war, serving four years in the army of the Potomac in the 18th Maine infantry and 3d Maine battery, gaining rank as sergeant. He was a member of H. F. Safford post, G. A. R. since its organization. During life he was honored by town office, having been a member of the board of selectmen of Dexter. He was also interested in the work of several secret societies, being a member of Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M. and of Plymouth lodge, I. 0. 0. F. He was instrumental in the institution of the Odd Fellows' lodge in this Town, being one of the signers of the original petition asking that a lodge be formed here. He was a member of the First Baptist church and always maintained an interest in the church. Besides a wife he is survived by two sons, E. A. Shepherd and L. C. Shepherd, both of this town, and a sister Miss Sarah Shepherd of Laconia, N. H. Funeral services was held from the First Baptist church at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Rev. R. L. Olds officiating. Delegations from the different orders of which he was a member were in attendance as well as a large number of friends and acquaintances of the deceased. In addition to the usual services the funeral service of the Odd fellows was held at the church. Burial was in Mount Pleasant cemetery.