Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Old Town, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-4-1917, p.8
Mrs. Edward Clark The many friends in Dexter of Mrs. Edward Clark were shocked to learn of her sudden death which occurred Tuesday morning, December 28, shortly after midnight. Mrs. Clark had not enjoyed good health for the past two years, but her death at the present time was entirely unexpected by her immediate relatives and friends. Only a few moments before passing away, she had spoken to her sister, Mrs. Haley, and was apparently feeling as well as usual, the end coming without the slightest warning. Mrs. Edward Clark was born in Old Town, 68 years ago, December 25, and in early life she was united in marriage to Edward Clark. To this union four children were born, one of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Clark was one of the older, highly respected and beloved citizens of Dexter. Always thoughtful of her neighbors, friends, those persons comprising the church circle of acquaintances, ever ready to give untiring, faithful service to those suffering from illness, to the shut-ins, and whenever possible was a willing helper of those in need. Always cheerful, optimistic a shining example of the Christian life, she will be missed by a host of friends. Mrs. Clark was a valued member of Martha Washington Rebekah lodge, being a Past Noble Grand of that organization, an untiring officer in the Woman's Relief Corps of this town and a member of the Congregational church of Dexter. In church work she gave of her efforts in a most untiring manner, until failing health compelled her to relinquish an active life. She was a faithful at- tendant at the church services, a member of the Ladies' Aid of that denomination and interested in promoting the welfare of her church whenever possible. She was a devoted mother and leaves three sons, Messrs. Leonard V. Clark of Gardiner, Daniel S. of Dexter and Prof. Ridgley C. Clark of Guilford, Conn., also two sisters, Mrs. Emma Haley of Dexter and Mrs. Agnes Patten of North Vassalboro, and other relatives who have the sympathy of the entire community in this sorrow. Memorial services were held on Saturday afternoon, December 30, at the Congregational church, the Rev. Stanley Gates Spear, pastor of the First Universalist church, officiating and speaking comforting words. The casket was literally banked in flowers, gifts from fraternity organizations, and a host of friends, among the noticeable offerings being a large design from the members of Martha Washington Rebekah lodge, I. O. O. F., the Woman's Relief Corp, the Neighbors and many others. At the conclusion of the church rites the impressive burial service of the Rebekah Lodge, was read by Past Noble Grand, Clara Hayden Crossland and by Mrs. Louise Robinson as Chaplain. The interment was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Dexter. The family sincerely appreciate and extend thanks to the fraternities, church and friends for their many acts of kindness.