Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Bradford, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 7-18-1918, p.5
Mrs. Mary Church The many friends of Mrs. Mary Church learned with sincere regret of her passing away, which took place recently at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Walter N. Rowe, Zion's Hill. Mrs. Church had been an invalid during the past two years, and more lately was a sufferer from Bright's disease. She was born in Bradford, and in early life was united in marriage to Bernard Church of Old Town. Mr. and Mrs. Church were residents of Old Town for a period of several years, and in this city their four daughters were born. Later the family moved to Milo and eventually came to Dexter to reside. Mrs. Church was a woman of ability and during the active years of her life, devoted herself to forwarding the work of the several departments of the church and proved most efficient in directing the affairs of the Rebekah Lodge of Milo, being a Past Noble Grand of the Milo Rebekah Organization. As a church communicant, she was earnest and most de- vout, and was ever ready to be of aid in the advancement of every good and worthy cause. Many friends were present at the services held in memory of Mrs. Church at the Rowe home and the members of the local Rebekah Lodge attended in a body. The casket was literally banked with flowers. Among the beautiful offerings were trib- utes from neighbors, the Methodist church Martha Washington Rebekah Lodge No. 18, I. 0. 0. F., of Dexter, the teachers of Dexter public schools and a spray of flowers from the students of the second and third grades, Cedar St., building. Comforting words were spoken to the family and friends by the pastor of the Methodist church, Rev. Ernest Smith. The interment was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Dexter, with two sons-in-law and two grandsons acting as bearers, Messrs. John Marsh and Walter N. Rowe of Dexter, Ray Huntington and Eben Kimball of Dover. Three daughters Mrs. Nellie Huntington of Charleston, Mrs. Addie Marsh and Mrs. Esther Rowe of Dexter, also two sisters, Mrs. Ardelia Lovejoy of Old Town, and Mrs. Sivonia Emery, North Hampton, Mass., survive, and to them Dexter friends extend deepest sympathy in this sorrow.