Last Name
Curtis family
First Name
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
LOCAL HISTORY COLUMN Edited by Mrs. Annie W. Murphy and Miss Mary H. Hamilton Contributors solicited Concernin Old Dexter @,,t 9 Xnilies BRIGGS CURTIS. One of the men to-sign the petition @or the incorporation of our town @(1816) was Briggs'Curtis who came to El@instown from the town of Greenei Maine, at an early date. In the Dexter town books will be fo@n(i the following record of Briggs Curtis ,and his family., "Briggs Curtis b rn January 24, 0 1777. Lydia Curtis, Consort of Briggs @Curtis, born Ai)ril.23, 178@2, Children tilia Lydia Cur- i tis as follows: James H. Curtis, born Sept. 1, 1799. ,Caleb Curtis, born Aug'.-,.2, 1801. - ,Charles Curtis, born Sept. 8, 1804. Mary Curtis, born-. Sept. 8, 1804. Betsey-Curtis, born Dec. 21, 1806. Daniel Curtis, born @TVlar. 14, 1809-P -died in August 1810. ,Daniel Curtis, born July 9, 1811 Alfred Curtis, born Nov. 24, -1813. Benjamin Ayer Curtis, born @ Dec. 13, 1816. Lowell )Curtis, born Aug. 15, 1821; ,died March 1, 1839. Rozina Curtis, born Aug. 15, 1821; ,died Feb. 22,,'1839. Joshua Hoyt Curtis, born Sept. 22; 1823; died April, 1:', 1824." Some time in the, years preceeding at the request of his sister, r, annie, Mr., Charles W. Curtis wrote ,quite a comprehensive autobiography. Ile was six or more years in doing it. In this he says: . @ @ @'I know. little of our ancestry on the Curtis side., I do not know, as I 'wish I did,. when the family moved from Greene, Maine, Ito Dexter. I know thatirandfather, :Curtis was among, the . er@ sett lers, and