Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
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Place of Birth
Bangor, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-15-1914, p.5
DEATH OF EDWIN G. AYER Was One of the Oldest and Best Known Business Men in Dexter Edwin G. Ayer, one of Dexter's best known citizens, died early Tuesday at his home on upper Main street, after a very brief illness. While not in the best of health for some years Mr. Ayer's condition did not become alarming until Monday, when he was suddenly taken seriously ill and during the day it was feared that he could not survive. Mr. Ayer was about 67 years of age and was born in Bangor. In early life he attended Bluehill academy and later entered into the employ of a wholesale drug house, travelling for this establishment for seven years in the middle West and coast states. He then came to Dexter, where he became a partner in the dry goods store of his father, the late E. A. Ayer. During the past nineteen years Mr. Ayer has been the sole owner and manager of the store and by honesty, integrity and ready courtesy won for himself a large share of the dry goods trade and patronage in this section. Mr. Ayer leaves a wife, one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Brewster, two sons, Willis and Glen Ayer of Dexter, and a sister, Mrs. J. P. Eldridge of Ell- sworth. He was a valued member of Plymouth lodge, No. 65, I. 0. 0. F., Martha Washington Rebekah lodge, No. 18, I. 0. 0. F., and Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M., of Dexter. Mr. Ayer was a kindly, affectionate husband and father, and he will be missed, not only in the home, but by a large circle of friends. Memorial services will be held Thursday afternoon at the residence on upper Main street at 2 o'clock, and the pastor of the First Universalist church, Rev. S. G. Spear, will officiate.