Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Springvale, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 5-20-1915, p.8
Rev. Allen W. Bradeen The many friends in Dexter and nearby towns of the Rev. Allen W. Bradeen are learning with regret of the passing away of Mr. Bradeen at his home in Springvale, after a long illness due to heart trouble and its complications. Rev. Allen Bradeen was pastor of the Free Baptist Church in Dexter for a period covering several years and while here won for himself the friendship of many people in this and nearby towns who admired him for his Christian sincerity, earnestness and his active, enthusiastic work of the church he rep- resented. In early life he was united in marriage with Miss Emmie Leighton of Dexter, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Leighton. To Mr. and Mrs. Bradeen one son, Roy, was born and who is employed in Dexter at the present time. Mr. Bradeen had for a few years acted most efficiently as pastor of the Free Baptist church in Bar Mills, retaining this pastorate until failing health compelled him to relinquish active duties about a year ago. The family then went to Springvale to live in which town Mr. Bradeen's death occurred. The remains were brought to Dexter Saturday afternoon where memorial services were held at the Free Baptist church, Rev. S. C. Whitcomb of Bangor officiating. The services were largely attended by the former parishioners and friends of the deceased. The bearers were Masons, the deceased having been a member of the Milo lodge. They were William E. Brewster, Jacob Bridges, Al- bert L. Davis and Hosea Q. Worthen. There were many beautiful floral offerings from friends in Springvale, Dexter, and other towns where the deceased has been pastor during his long service in the Free Baptist denomination. The remains were interred in the family lot at Mount Pleasant cemetery. Mr. Bradeen is survived by his wife and sn who have the sincere sympathy of many Dexter people in this sorrow.