Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Bangor, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-18-1918, p.5
Mrs. Herbert Johnson The remains of Mrs. Edna Johnson, wife of Herbert L. Johnson, were brought here Saturday evening from Bangor, where her death occurred in a hospital. Funeral services were held from the Methodist Episcopal church, Monday afternoon, Rev. A. B. McAlister officiating, The death of Mrs. Johnson, which is a particularly sad one cast a shadow of gloom among her many friends in this town and elsewhere. She was about 35 years of age and is survived by her husband and two children, besides other relatives. For several years Mrs. Johnson has been an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal church, where she was a teacher in the Sunday school. She was an earnest Christian woman and her many fine qualities endeared her to a large circle of friends.