Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Corinna, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
1916-10 ?
The Eastern Gazette 11-2-1916, p.4
H. Quimby Worthen Memorial services for the late H. Quimby Worthen were held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Free Baptist church, the pastor, Rev. E. M. Trafton, officiating, and speaking comforting words. A large delegation of members of the Corinna Masonic lodge, with which Mr. Worthen was affiliated, was present and at the conclusion of the church rites read the impressive burial service of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Worthen was 69 years of age and was born in Corinna, and spent many years of his life in that town, where he was wellknown and possessed a host of friends. During the past few years he has been a resident of Dexter and was a valued church worker, interesting himself in every department of the Free Baptist church. For several years he was a member of the board of selectmen in this town and he also held a similar position while living in Corinna and in Ripley. He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends, including the members of Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M., where he constantly attended the fraternal meetings. He was also a member of the lodge of Odd Fellows. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and attested the esteem in which he was held by Dexter people and friends in other towns. Among the floral offerings from lodges may be mentioned a wreath from Plymouth lodge, No. 65, I. 0. 0. F., Masonic floral design from Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M., large spray from the Free Baptist church and Sunday School, large wreath from neighbors and carnations, roses and other flowers from many friends. The interment was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery, and the bearers were Messrs. Frank Arnold, John Briggs, Fred Blodgett and Mr. Whittemore. Mr. Worthen leaves a wife, and four sons, Messrs. Frank and Harry of Dexter, C. J. Worthen, of St. Albans and Fred of Newport, three daughters, Mrs. Edna Clark of Newport, Mrs. F. O. Malley and Mrs. Flora White, also a brother and sister, Henry Worthen of Corinna and Mrs. Flora Whitman of Pittsfield, who have the sincere sympathy of Dexter friends in their sorrow.