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The Eastern Gazette 6-15-1916, p.8
Mrs. Robert Caswell The friends of Mrs. Robert Caswell learned with sorrow of her passing away on Saturday afternoon, after an illness of several months' duration, from heart trouble. Mrs. Caswell was born in England, coming to this country when she was a young woman. She was united in marriage with Robert Caswell early in life and to them several children were born four of whom survive their mother, Andrew Caswell of Bangor, agent for the Bangor & Aroostook R. R.; John Caswell of Bangor, employed at the Eastern Trust & Banking Company's head- quarters in that city; Mrs. Ernest Thompson and Mrs. Jules Pease of Dexter, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of the community in this sorrow. Mrs. Caswell was a member of the church of the Messiah, Episcopal, and the Rev. Cuthbert Fowler of the St. Luke Cathedral, Portland, offi- ciated at the services, which occurred at 2 o'clock in the Episcopal church. Mrs. Caswell was a devoted mother and loyal friend and during her illness was patient and thoughtful of those caring for her, being most considerate of their wellfare. A large delegation of members of Crystal Assembly, Pythian Sisters, attended the services at the church and escorted the remains to Mount Pleasant cemetry where the lodge service was conducted at the grave. The services were attended by many friends of the deceased and the floral offerings were many in number and of unusual beauty. The bearers were Messrs Freeman D. Dearth, Nathan Daggett, William E. Brewster and Norman H. Fay.