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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Bangor, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 5-15-1919, p.1
Frank Clukey Frank Clukey of Grove stereet, one of the older French residents of Dexter, passed away at twelve o'clock Sunday night at a Bangor hospital after an illness of about six weeks. His age was 62 years. He leaves a wife, two daughters, Mrs. Phillip Provost, and Mrs. Eddie Dyer and two sons, Simeon J. and Eddie F., all of Dexter. Mr. Clukey has lived in Dexter about 50 years, where he has been employed in the woolen mills. He was a man of sterling qualities and was highly respected by all his friends and acquaintances. He will be greatly missed by the community, which feels the deepest sympathy for the bereaved Family. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning. Interment was in Mount Pleas-ant cemetery.